woman holding dried flower

Soil Regeneration
Made Easy

HumiSoil® creates living soil that makes water,
boost yields, and regenerates land!

Now available at Kinser Ranch in Austin, Texas. Contact us for delivery.
Coming soon to Dallas and San Marcos!

About Humisoil®

HumiSoil® is a humus rich soil enhancer encapsulating the key technologies pioneered by VRM Biologik® for soil regeneration. This product helps build humus in soil.

Regular use of HumiSoil® activates and sustains the natural biological processes in soil that promote the generation and retention of water.

Humisoil® is a biologically and humus rich soil catalyst that promotes ecosystem health. It achieves this by accelerating the breakdown of organic matter into humus, which improves the storage and cycling of nutrients. It enriches the soil with synergistic blends of naturally occurring microbes, such as fungi and photosynthetic bacteria, which convert light and gasses in the atmosphere into water and plant energy.

Learn More at www.VRMBiologik.com

What HumiSoil® Can Do!

HumiSoil® stimulates diverse microbial life: archaea, bacteria, and fungi, enriching the indigenous biomes of the soil which it is applied to.

HumiSoil® has been shown in numerous field trials (with varied crops) around the world to achieve:

  • 100% Replacement of Phosphorus

  • 50% Reduction in Irrigation

  • Up to 80% Reduction of Synthetic Fertilizer and Agrichemical Use

  • Boosted Agricultural Productivity

  • Boosted Brix and Greener Crops

  • Increased Pest and Disease Resistance

  • Increased Drought + Flood Resistance

  • Restoration of Degraded Lands

  • Elimination of Dependency on Synthetic Chemicals

HumiSoil® application of 2 cubic yards per acre is recommended for typical use. HumiSoil® can be broadcast over soil surface, or lightly tilled in. For specific recommendations suited to your application, contact your distributor.

HumiSoil® (Left) - Compost (Right)

VRM Biologik solutions have demonstrated incredible results for decades globally!